Whistleblowing Guideline

Our Claim

The lawful and responsible actions of our shareholders, management, executives, and every individual employee are crucial for our company's success. In our code of conduct, we commit to clear principles. We have always been committed to integrity and responsible action. Our values and expectations of our employees are written in our code of conduct and must be considered by all employees.

Through the reporting channels listed below, you can make reports both in terms of human rights and environmental risks, as well as violations of applicable law and internal guidelines, which are related to the business activities of weba Werkzeugbau Betriebs GmbH.

Primary Reporting Channel and Reporting Process

The primary entry point for reports is the whistleblower system of our parent company Mubea. The system can be accessed at:




Alternatively to this reporting platform, you can also contact our whistleblower officer Ms. Tanja Burghuber directly.

Tanja Burghuber

Personal and postal communications are also possible.

At the beginning of the reporting process (no later than 7 days), you will receive a confirmation of receipt of your report. After a maximum of another 30 days, you will receive information on how your report is being processed.

For all reports, the above primary reporting platform is preferably to be used. If the report concerns the whistleblower officer herself, please direct your input to the parent company Mubea. For this purpose, in the whistleblower system, the parent company "Muhr und Bender KG" should be selected.