Series-Conditions in Press Hardening at weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Steyr - weba Werkzeugbau, a company with roots in Dietach since 1982, is expanding its production capacities at the Olomouc location. This strategic decision is in line with the company's ongoing focus on technological developments in hot forming technology. The expansion includes the installation of an advanced hot forming press, marking a new chapter in weba's production expertise.

On an additional area of 3,900 m², the new hydraulic press with a capacity of 1,200 tons and dimensions of 3,600 x 2,500 mm will be installed. This expansion enables weba to further deepen its capabilities in the manufacture of hot forming tools, particularly in the area of press hardening, and to meet the increasing demands of customers.

Since the production of the first hot forming tool in 1994, weba has continuously invested in this technology. The current expansion in Olomouc is another step in this direction, aiming to optimize production processes from development to the integration of tools in series production.

Next year, weba plans to implement additional technologies, including advanced chamber furnace technology and the automation of the production line. These measures are intended to help create series-like manufacturing conditions and to expand the range of small series production.

Hannes Feuerhuber, Managing Director of weba, emphasizes the strategic importance of this investment: "Hot forming is the future of the automotive industry. Therefore, we are specifically focusing on it to ensure efficient, series-ready processes for our customers."

With this expansion, weba continues its efforts to strengthen its production competencies in the area of hot forming technology and to position itself as an important player in this sector.

Hot Forming