weba Werkzeugbau Receives Award: Promotion of Women in Technical Professions

Dietach, Steyr - The Upper Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) has presented weba Werkzeugbau with the prestigious “More women in technology” award. The award ceremony took place in April and recognizes companies that are exemplary in their efforts to integrate women into technical professions.

weba, a leading specialist in the manufacture of tools for hot forming and forming technology, has been actively promoting women in the technical field for many years. Through the FEMImplacement program, women are specifically trained as technicians, which enables them to gain a foothold in male-dominated professional fields.

The demand for skilled workers in technology is constantly growing, which benefits young and ambitious women. The often well-paid technical professions offer additional incentives to choose a career in this field. weba has set itself the task of paving the way for women and supporting them with targeted training programs and further education opportunities.

“This award is a confirmation of our continuous efforts to inspire women for technical professions and to open up career opportunities for them in a future-oriented industry,” said a spokesperson for the company. “We are proud to be an attractive employer for female job seekers and employees and to make an important contribution to gender equality in technology.”

By presenting the “More women in technology” award, the AMS emphasizes the importance of initiatives such as FEMImplacement and the role of companies such as weba in promoting women in technical professions. The award is not only a recognition, but also an incentive for other companies to follow similar paths and support women in technology.

About weba: weba Werkzeugbau employs over 300 qualified and committed employees at two locations. The headquarters and development center are located in Dietach, Austria, while tools for hot forming are manufactured in Olomouc, Czech Republic. The “More women in technology” award shows once again that weba not only impresses with its innovative technology and expertise, but also with a corporate philosophy that focuses on the well-being and advancement of its employees.

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