Annual Review 2008: A Successful Year for weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Steyr - The year 2008 marks a milestone in the history of weba Werkzeugbau. With a series of significant developments, strategic investments and outstanding awards, the company has further established itself in the automotive supply industry and consistently continued on its growth path.

Expansion of the portfolio

A central focus in 2008 was on expanding the product portfolio. In addition to its proven expertise in high-strength cold forming and direct and indirect press hardening, weba expanded its capacities in progressive dies and blank cutting. These expansions enable weba to respond even more flexibly and comprehensively to the requirements of the automotive industry and to offer customized solutions.

Investing in the future

In order to meet the high standards of quality and innovation, weba has made considerable investments in state-of-the-art technologies over the past 18 months. Around 4 million euros have been invested in CNC machining centers, presses, measuring machines and laser machines. These investments are a clear commitment to continuous improvement and competitiveness, which directly benefit weba's customers.

Record order situation

Further proof of the successful corporate strategy is the impressive order situation. In the first ten months of 2008, weba recorded a 64% increase in incoming orders compared to the previous year. These figures not only reflect customer confidence, but also mark the highest level of orders in the company's history. weba is well prepared to maintain this high level in 2009 and to cope with the increased demand.

Award for equal opportunities

weba received special recognition in April 2008 when it won the AMS award “More women in technology”. This award makes weba a pioneer among industrial companies in Upper Austria and underlines the company's commitment to equal opportunities and the promotion of women in technical professions. This initiative not only strengthens diversity within the company, but also its innovative strength and creativity.


The year 2008 has shown that weba Werkzeugbau has a solid and future-oriented foundation. With expanded capacities, state-of-the-art technology and a committed workforce, the company is ideally equipped to continue delivering the highest quality and innovative solutions in the future. The trust of its customers and the successes achieved motivate weba to continue on its chosen path and to tackle the challenges of the future with energy and a spirit of innovation.


2008 was a year of success and trend-setting decisions for weba Werkzeugbau. With an expanded portfolio, considerable investments, an outstanding order situation and an important award, weba has once again positioned itself as a leading provider in the automotive supply industry. The course has been set for a successful future.

About weba Werkzeugbau

Since its foundation in 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist in the development and production of tools for the automotive industry. With over 300 qualified employees at locations in Austria and the Czech Republic, the company combines state-of-the-art technology with in-depth expertise. weba is characterized by a quality- and customer-oriented corporate philosophy that focuses on both technological excellence and the well-being of the workforce.


Corporate Management