Environmental Check: Successful ISO 14001 Certification at weba Werkzeugbau

Dietach, Steyr - weba Werkzeugbau GmbH has taken a significant step towards sustainability: the company has been successfully certified for its environmental management system by TÜV Nord. This certification marks an important milestone in the company's ongoing efforts to strengthen its environmental responsibility and promote sustainable practices in all areas of the business.

There are many reasons to introduce an environmental management system. For weba Werkzeugbau, the focus is on securing future competitiveness. The demands of customers and the market are constantly increasing, and a strong environmental awareness is increasingly becoming a basic prerequisite for business success.

Energy crisis, acid rain, water scarcity, rainforest destruction, biodiversity, climate change, flooding or waste disposal emergencies - regardless of which environmental issue is currently in the media, companies are always affected. Whether it is rising costs due to higher energy and raw material prices, loss of sales due to changes in consumer behavior or stricter legal regulations, companies are increasingly having to deal with these challenges.

Successful ISO 14001 certification 

At the beginning of June, the external auditors from TÜV Nord visited weba Werkzeugbau for two days to take a close look at the implementation, objectives and measures as well as the records of the environmental management system. The result: weba is on the right track. The company made an excellent impression and successfully completed ISO 14001 certification. 

The introduction of the environmental management system coincided with the introduction of the Energy Efficiency Act by the Austrian government, compliance with which is mandatory for weba. This favorable timing made it possible to closely link environmental and energy-related issues. All legal regulations on energy efficiency were integrated into the environmental management system at the same time.

As part of the certification process, the company's energy consumption was recorded and an annual measurement concept was drawn up in order to continuously improve the energy indicators. Together with the waste disposal partner, the waste volumes were determined and a well thought-out waste management concept was developed. Targets and improvement measures were integrated into an environmental program that is regularly reviewed and updated by the company's energy team.

Cooperation and commitment

The continuous optimization of environmental performance at weba is a joint success. Suggestions for improvement from employees are always gratefully accepted, discussed within the team and incorporated into the energy program as required. Every contribution counts - be it through proper waste separation, conscious and economical use of resources or the submission of suggestions for improvement.

With this successful certification, weba is sending out a strong signal for sustainability and environmental protection. The commitment and cooperation of all employees are crucial to this success. 

About weba Werkzeugbau

Since its foundation in 1982, weba Werkzeugbau has established itself as a leading specialist in the manufacture of tools for hot forming and forming technology. At two locations, weba employs over 300 qualified employees who combine state-of-the-art technology with in-depth expertise to offer individual and innovative solutions for customers in the automotive industry.

Corporate Management