Family Celebration at weba Werkzeugbau: A Day Full of Joy and Gratitude

Dietach, Steyr - The renowned weba Werkzeugbau has earned itself a significant place in the global automotive industry thanks to its continuous willingness to invest and its high standards in tool manufacturing. This success is largely due to the motivated and professional specialist staff. To express this appreciation, weba organized a family celebration for all employees, their families and friends on October 1st.

Factory tour: A look behind the scenes

A special highlight of the party was the opportunity to take a tour of the plant. Here, employees were able to proudly present their workplace and employer to their family and friends. Various stations within the plant offered insights into the company's development to date through video presentations. The company's future plans were also presented, further underlining weba's attractiveness as an employer.

Car show: the connection to luxury vehicles

An impressive car show presented luxury vehicles in which safety-relevant components were manufactured with forming tools from weba. This exhibition showed visitors the direct link between weba's high-quality tools and the end products of the automotive industry.

Childcare and entertainment

The little guests were also well catered for. The “Kinderfreunde-Steyr” offered professional childcare and a varied entertainment program that made children's eyes light up. A photo box was very popular and offered the opportunity to take fun photos as a souvenir of this special day.

Culinary delights and a competition

Culinary delights were also well catered for. An experience barbecue and a continuous range of drinks offered delicious treats for all visitors. However, the highlight of the day was the raffle with high-quality prizes such as an Ultra HD TV and an iPhone, which was met with great enthusiasm.

A successful day for the whole family

The family party at weba was a complete success and clearly demonstrated the company's strong employee focus. Under the motto “Let's look back together on our success and work together to continue the company's positive development”, those present celebrated in high spirits. This event not only strengthened cohesion within the workforce, but also demonstrated the company's gratitude and appreciation towards its employees.

The celebration was a clear sign that weba not only sets the highest standards in terms of technology, but also in terms of human interaction.

Corporate Management Employer Events