weba Werkzeugbau sets Standards in Service Quality and Customer Orientation

Dietach, Steyr - weba Werkzeugbau, the renowned toolmaking company based in Steyr, once again emphasizes its position as a pioneer in customer orientation and service quality. The company, known for its high-quality forming tools for years, now places its services at the forefront to enable significant cost savings in the tool lifecycle for its customers.

With a clear commitment to value creation for its customers, Hannes Feuerhuber, Managing Director of weba Werkzeugbau, emphasizes, 'Our services save our customers real money.' This motto reflects the company's philosophy, which aims to provide customers not only with high-quality forming tools but also comprehensive support.

The range of services that weba offers its customers is impressive. This includes special simulation methods, a mobile tool service, customized financing options, and expert advice during component development. But weba goes even further.

One of the central pillars of weba's customer service is close collaboration with clients from project conception to the smooth commissioning of forming tools. This holistic approach to customer support not only contributes to quality assurance but also allows customers to achieve significant financial advantages.

A key aspect of this service offering is weba's mobility. In case of disruptions or problems, the weba team is on-site in no time to resolve issues and prevent costly downtimes. Furthermore, weba maintains an extensive spare parts inventory to respond immediately to repair and maintenance requests.

However, collaboration with weba goes beyond merely delivering tools. The company assesses the feasibility and economic manufacturability of components in close cooperation with its customers. An outstanding example is part development.

The more intensive the exchange between weba and the customer, the better the optimization of tool usage. This leads to significant benefits such as material savings, optimized cutting geometries, and extended tool lifetimes.

weba not only sets standards in terms of tool quality but also in customer-oriented services that have a direct impact on the profitability of customers. The company remains true to its tradition, focusing on innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.


About weba Werkzeugbau: weba is a leading toolmaking company based in Steyr, Austria. With a long tradition and an excellent reputation in the industry, weba offers high-quality forming tools and customer-oriented services for a variety of applications and industries.
