Understanding Job Ads - A Guide to the Perfect Start to Your Career!

Welcome to the world of career opportunities! When you're just starting out in your career, job advertisements can seem like a closed book, especially if they contain long lists of requirements that demand years of experience. Don't let this put you off! These lists often only describe the ideal image of a candidate, not the absolute reality.

Job advertisements are usually divided into different sections containing valuable information: First, the official job title is stated. This is usually followed by an introductory text that provides important basic information about the company, such as size, location and services offered. This information allows you to do more thorough research on the potential employer to make your cover letter as personalized and targeted as possible.

Contents: Structure of a Job Advertisment

  1. Headline - Your First Signpost
  2. Who We Are - Get to Know Your Potential Workplace
  3. What You will Do - Your Future Challenges 
  4. What You Should Bring - Your Tools 
  5. What We Offer - The Sweet We Grate
  6. Hot To Apply - Your Next Step 

Headline - Your First Signpost

The headline of a job advertisement is the eye-catcher. Here you will find the job title and often the location of the position. This information helps you to decide whether the position basically matches your search criteria.

Who We Are - Get to Know Your Potential Workplace

This is where the company introduces itself. These sections are worth their weight in gold, as they give you an insight into the corporate culture and values. Make sure that the philosophy described matches your own ideas.

What You Will Do - Your Future Challenges 

In this section, the company explains the main tasks and responsibilities of the position. Here you can check whether your skills and interests match the requirements.

What You Should Bring - Your Tools 

The qualifications, experience and skills required for the position are listed here. This is the central part of the advertisement, which describes the qualifications required. Get a feel for whether the tasks appeal to you and check whether you meet the necessary qualifications.

Pay close attention to the wording of the requirements. "Must" requirements are often essential for the position, while "can" requirements reveal more about the possible development direction of the role. Not every requirement is an absolute must - many are flexible. For example, phrases such as "ideally" or "advantageous" indicate that these qualifications are desirable but not essential.

If you don't quite meet the requirements of a position, it may still make sense to submit your application. It is important that you cover the core competencies - for less critical skills, there is often an opportunity for further training. 

What We Offer - The Sweet We Grate 

Companies outline what they offer you, from salary and bonuses to flexible working hours and training opportunities. Think about which benefits are particularly important to you.

How To Apply - Your Next Step 

Finally, you will find information on the application process. Make a note of where and how you should send your application and what deadlines apply.
