20 Years of weba Olomouc: A Success Story in Hot Forming

Olomouc - weba Werkzeugbau proudly celebrates the 20th anniversary of its site in Olomouc, Czech Republic. As a specialized location in hot forming and as a machining center of the weba Group, weba Olomouc has developed into an important pillar of the company structure.

A success story begins

The foundation stone for this success story was laid in 1990, when weba's management made the visionary decision to establish a branch in the Czech Republic. In cooperation with the company Sigma, the first location was established in Lutin under the name siwe AG. Due to the impressive growth and increasing requirements, siwe AG reopened in 1999 as a wholly owned subsidiary of weba in Bystrovany/Olomouc.

Expansion and technological investments

The increasing requirements of customers in hot forming led to the expansion of the site at the beginning of 2010. The expansion of the site by 1,300 m² and the increase in capacity in all production areas ensured flexible and smooth production. The extension was completed at the end of November 2010, increasing the production area to a total of 3,900 m². The new halls, equipped with 30 t cranes, offer the best conditions for the production of high-quality hot forming tools.

Future-oriented investments

The expansion of the site went hand in hand with the introduction of state-of-the-art technologies. A new laser system, a hydraulic forming press and two state-of-the-art 5-axis machining centers were installed. These investments guarantee efficient work processes and high productivity. The purchase of a continuous furnace is planned for 2011, which will further increase efficiency and lay the foundation for future success in hot forming.

Celebration of the 20th anniversary

In the spirit of friendship and togetherness, the 20th anniversary of weba Olomouc was celebrated together with colleagues from weba Steyr. This anniversary symbolizes the tireless commitment and innovative strength that have made weba Olomouc what it is today.


With an impressive past and a clear focus on future developments, weba Olomouc is ready to continue to deliver excellence in hot forming and guarantee customers production-ready processes. The history of weba Olomouc is an impressive example of how a courageous decision can lead to a successful location with great potential.

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