weba Werkzeugbau Strengthens Internal Synergies Through Best Practice Concept

Dietach, Steyr - weba Werkzeugbau, a leading specialist for cold and hot forming tools in the automotive industry, has introduced an innovative best practice concept that promotes internal exchange and the continuous improvement of production processes. With locations in Austria and the Czech Republic, weba relies on regular visits and the transfer of knowledge between the various branches to ensure the highest quality and efficiency.

With its best practice concept, weba Werkzeugbau has developed an innovative approach to optimally utilize the synergies of its locations and ensure the continuous improvement of quality and efficiency. The company, known for its highly specialized tools in the automotive industry, relies on the regular exchange of experience between its various production and development sites.

As part of this best practice program, employees from production and engineering regularly visit the other weba sites. These visits serve to exchange know-how and harmonize processing strategies. The aim is to improve product quality in the medium term and at the same time reduce production costs in order to be able to offer customers even more cost-effective solutions. Two such best practice visits have already taken place. The main focus of these meetings was the optimization of CAD/CAM programs, in particular Esprit, as well as learning about new milling tools and 3D milling strategies. Another important aspect of the visits was the evaluation and coordination of supplier relationships. The participants discussed purchasing strategies, price-performance ratios and their experiences with various suppliers.

These intensive exchange programs will continue next year. The employees involved particularly value this type of professional development, as it strengthens personal contacts and networks in addition to professional knowledge. The exchange of experience not only promotes individual competence, but also contributes to the creation of a uniform corporate culture characterized by cooperation and continuous learning.

weba's best practice concept is an impressive example of how a company can increase its competitiveness through targeted measures for internal networking and knowledge transfer. It shows that quality and efficiency are not static goals, but can be constantly improved through ongoing exchange and adaptation.

About weba: weba Werkzeugbau, founded in 1982, has established itself as a leading specialist in the manufacture of tools for hot forming and forming technology. The company employs over 300 qualified and dedicated employees at two locations: Dietach, Austria and Olomouc, Czech Republic. With advanced production methods and a strong focus on research and development, weba remains at the forefront of the industry. The company continuously invests in the further development of its technologies and the optimization of its processes in order to meet the high demands of the automotive industry.

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